
IATA: First air cargo demand growth in 19 months

Forwarders and shippers push for longer term air cargo deals

Freight forwarders and shippers are continuing to push for longer term air cargo deals as they look to avoid potential rate hikes due to the risk of supply chain disruption.

IATA: First air cargo demand growth in 19 months

Fly Easy Team Wraps Up Successful Attendance at LABACE 2024 Executive Aviation Show

We are thrilled to share that the Fly Easy team of sales have just returned from an incredibly successful attendance at the LABACE 2024 Executive Aviation Show in São Paulo, Brazil during the days of 6th thru 08th of August.

IATA: First air cargo demand growth in 19 months

Fly Easy plays important role in Mothers' day rush

Our team worked tirelessly during the Mothers’ day season helping to spread flowers accross the globe. The influx of flowers shipments from Colombia and Ecuador (specially to North America) ramped up the air cargo volumes in South America during the latter half of April.

IATA: First air cargo demand growth in 19 months

Brasil poderá ganhar 1º centro dedicado para conversão de aeronaves cargueiras

Sediada em São Paulo, a Empresa HBR Aviação, especializada na manutenção e hangaragem aeronáutica, anunciou os planos para criar um centro especializado na conversão de aeronaves de passageiros para cargueiros, em Linhares, no Espírito Santo (ES).

IATA: First air cargo demand growth in 19 months

First EMBRAER E-Jet converted to transport cargo aircraft makes its debut

The first E190F, a converted jet from passenger transport to freighter (E-Freighter), has successfully completed its first flight today in São José dos Campos, Brazil. 

IATA: First air cargo demand growth in 19 months

Fly Easy Marca Presença na Intermodal 2024

A 28ª Intermodal ocorreu de 5 a 7 de Março em São Paulo, tendo registrado seu maior público da história: mais de 44 mil visitantes. O time da Fly Easy esteve presente apresentando soluções para o mercado de transporte aéreo.

IATA: First air cargo demand growth in 19 months

Fly Easy concludes 2023 with steady performance

Fly Easy achieved a robust financial performance in 2023. The company successfully maintained gross revenue level from the previous year while also retaining consistent margin levels.

IATA: First air cargo demand growth in 19 months

Fly Easy debut at Air Cargo Americas is a big success

Air Cargo Americas is a premier platform for industry professionals and companies to come together and discuss the latest trends, innovations and opportunities in the air cargo sector and Fly Easy exhibited in the event for the very first time in 2023.

IATA: First air cargo demand growth in 19 months

Fly Easy Organizes Relief Flight to Haiti

Our team started working on the air charter solution along with our client 8 months ago, when the cargo was started being arranged. The goal was to transport core material for a school construction in a community on the countryside of Haiti.

IATA: First air cargo demand growth in 19 months

Fly Easy at Air Cargo Americas

Fly Easy will be exhibiting at the Air Cargo and Supply Chain Americas in Miami from Oct 31 to Nov 02.

IATA: First air cargo demand growth in 19 months

IATA: First air cargo demand growth in 19 months

IATA has delivered some positive news for the airfreight industry with new data that shows year-on-year air cargo demand grew for the first time in 19 months, but it said the trajectory of global trade is a concern.

Oil and Energy charters on the up

Fly Easy organized many Oil and Energy operations on the first half of 2023. The company is optimistic about maintaining this positive trend for the rest of the year.

Aeroporto de Congonhas – Imagem: DECEA

Brasil tem a rota mais voada da América Latina no 1º semestre de 2023; conheça as 20 mais voadas

A Associação Latino-americana e do Caribe de Transporte (ALTA) informa que a força do mercado doméstico do Brasil, que hoje é o maior da região, é comprovada com a posição de primeiro lugar entre as mais voadas rotas aéreas da América Latina. Além da liderança, outras 3 rotas do país figuram entre as 20 mais voadas.

Fly Easy rocks for Bands on Tour!

The events and music industry bounced back in 2022 and so far, Fly Easy was able to arrange more than 50 flights for artists and band equipment since last year.

Fly Easy plays key role in the history of Brazilian Space Program

Fly Easy plays key role in the history of Brazilian Space Program providing support with the transportation of South Korean rocket HANBIT-TLV, a partnership of a private Korean Space Company and the Brazilian Air Force.

Demanda por carga aérea diminuiu no mundo em setembro de 2022, mas cresceu na América Latina

A Associação Internacional de Transporte Aéreo (IATA) divulgou nessa segunda-feira, 7 de novembro, os dados dos mercados globais de carga aérea em setembro de 2022, mostrando que a demanda por carga aérea diminuiu.

Embraer revela novo conceito de jato executivo totalmente autônomo

Durante a mais recente edição da National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) em Orlando, Flórida, a Embraer Executive Jets revelou um conceito para um futuro jato de cabine de médio porte que reescreve as regras da aviação.

Tarifas de carga aérea continuam a diminuir

As taxas globais de carga aérea continuaram diminuindo em setembro, de acordo com os últimos dados do WorldACD Market Data.

EU ends approval of cargo-in-the-cabin "Preighter" flights

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has ended its ‘preighter’ exemptions as passenger numbers return to normal. Over the pandemic, the EASA allowed carriers to operate cargo-in-the-cabin flights due to the unique circumstances of the time.

Avião Airbus Beluga pousa pela 1ª vez na América Latina

O avião cargueiro Airbus Beluga, conhecido como avião “baleia”, aterrissou no Aeroporto Internacional de Viracopos em Campinas (SP) no dia 25 de Julho.

Volumes de carga aérea afetados por crise de abastescimento e falta de pessoal nos aeroportos

O setor de carga aérea continua sendo afetado por uma série de problemas que resultaram em quedas de volume. Entre elas o conflito na Ucrânia, as restrições da Covid-19 e o aumento do custo de vida são fatores com forte impacto na carga aérea.

Fly Easy at Intermodal 2022

Fly Easy cargo crew attended the largest logistics trade show in South America. The event took place in Sao Paulo last week after 2 years without physical attendance.

Fly Easy Charters AN124 to move a massive compressor urgently needed abord an FPSO

Fly Easy once again has been called to move a massive compressor urgently needed to operate abord of a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) on behalf of an esteemed client in the O&G vertical based in Brazil.

Fly Easy assists carrier in a last minute empty sector

Our cargo team assisted a partner carrier with last minute load to cover for an empty sector. The airline called Fly Easy because one of their customers cancelled a full 747F one way Viracopos (VCP) – (MIA) Miami.

First quarter on the up for Fly Easy Cargo Division

Fly Easy cargo team was able to set its new record in number of operations on first quarter of 2021. The number of flights increased by 30% compared to the first three months of 2020.

Demanda por charter aéreo em alta nos primeiros meses de 2021

Os dois primeiros meses de 2021 começaram com altas demandas por afretamento aéreo. A Fly Easy registrou aumento no número de operações em janeiro e fevereiro tanto em aeronaves de passageiro como em charters de carga.

Fly Easy organizes a record number of cargo flights in 2020

Fly Easy cargo department was able to organize its record number of flights in 2020. The growth in the number of operations already surpassed 300% compared to 2019.

Fly Easy delivers time-critical automotive shipment to major OEM in the northeast of Brazil

Fly Easy again in a strong demonstration of its market expertise and air charter experts capabilities, moves time-critical cargo for major OEM in record time using 2 aircrafts in simultaneous flights from Curitiba CWB and Viracopos VCP to Northeast of Brazil in Recife REC.

Busy peak season restricts aircraft availability

It’s been one of the most challenging peak seasons ever for air cargo industry. The e-commerce shipments are drying out the remaining aircraft available and industrial projects customers are facing a hard time arranging last minute space on commercial flights.

Fly Easy espera alta temporada recorde em todas as divisões

O fretamento de aeronaves deve seguir em alta nos últimos meses do ano. Com a oferta de voos regulares ainda muito abaixo da demanda, a tendência é que a procura por charters de carga, aeronaves comerciais e executivas seja muito alta em Novembro e Dezembro.

Fly Easy assists transporting a mobile hospital

Our team has been working around the clock in 2020 to help aid the fight against Covid 19 by arranging multiple flights carrying PPE and medical equipment. In a recent operation we helped moving a mobile hospital from Brazil to Peru.   

Cargo Industry shows signs of recovery in Latin America

These past 3 months have been extremely busy for the cargo charter industry in Latin America with the fight against Covid 19 pandemic.

Fly Easy presta assistência no transporte de testes de Covid 19 para Minas Gerais

Na última semana a Fly Easy auxiliou no transporte de aproximadamente 1,6 milhão de testes rápidos da China para o estado de Minas Gerais.

Fly Easy organizes multiple relief shipments

Our team has been working around the clock for the past weeks in order to provide several relief charter flights. From small Cessnas to an Antonov 124 we have been assisting on medical, hygiene and protection material transportation.

Fly Easy team assists on Covid 19 fight with a giant operation

Our team organized the transportation of approx. 6 million face masks and protection supplies in an Antonov 124 flight from Shangai (PVG) to Brasilia (BSB).

Fly Easy works around the clock to keep mining plant working

This past weekend was very busy at Fly Easy. A big mining player contacted us on the Saturday (Dec 07th) in order to dispatch two urgent pieces for a mining plant from Sao Paulo metro area to North of Brazil.

Fly Easy ayuda industria en medio a protestas y bloqueos en Bolivia

Debido a las grandes manifestaciones y bloqueos de inúmeras carreteras en Bolivia, nuestros expertos fueran llamados para evitar la parada de importante planta de bebidas.

Fly Easy consegue licença de tráfego no México em tempo recorde

Uma missão “quase impossível” foi dada aos nossos especialistas: conseguir disponibilidade e direitos de tráfego para voar do México para o Brasil em três dias úteis. O resultado? Sucesso!

Fly Easy sets the bar high on Oil & Gas Charters

In three very successful air charter operations, Fly Easy helped major O&G player move in excess of 300tons of cargo from two distinct origins in record time.

Fly Easy team sources urgent Antonov 124 flight

Important customer from mining industry needed to ship 2 urgent reels with conveyor belts from Santiago (SCL) to Lima (LIM). 

Fly Easy gets urgent autoparts quickly expedited

Fly Easy assisted automotive customer to deliver urgent cargo yesterday. Our team secured a Metroliner III availability to fly from Buenos Aires (EZE) to Recife (REC).

Fly Easy Assists on Helicopter Transportation

The Ilyushin 76 aircraft brought the equipment for a military show in Rio de Janeiro and special demonstrations in Brasilia.

Apresentadora de TV foge do trânsito paulistano com helicóptero fretado

Fly Easy ajuda apresentadora a chegar a tempo para apresentar seu programa de televisão na tarde desta segunda feira. 

Fretamento de carga farmacêutica com temperatura controlada para Jakarta

Equipe da Fly Easy realiza fretamento para indústria farmacêutica com mantas Tyvek e temperatura controlada de Campinas (VCP) para Jakarta (CGK).

Fretamento de emergência devido à greve dos caminhoneiros

Fly Easy viabiliza fretamento adicional para turnê musical devido à grande greve.

A Fly Easy transporta carga crítica para petroleira em Angola

Uma importante fornecedora brasileira da indústria petroleira precisou entregar uma peça urgente para seu cliente em Angola.

Heavy mining piece transported by Fly Easy

Early this month our team executed the transportation of a 30 Metric Tonnes pulley for an important mining field in Peru.

Fly Easy completes two last minute flights for band gears in a week

Two music concerts were at risk due to unexpected circumstances and our specialists were able to save the day twice within 7 days.

Fly Easy coordinates a series of flights for industrial project

Cargo was to be ready within a week from the quotation request and it should arrive in Rio de Janeiro airport within 4 days after readiness.

Embarque urgente evita parada de linha

A Fly Easy foi acionada para ajudar uma planta automotiva com uma possível situação de parada de linha de produção.

Gas turbine quickly expedited for oilwell

An overweight gas turbine needed to be quickly shipped from Rio de Janeiro to Texas for an important oilfield earlier this month.

Fly Easy delivers for automotive industry

They needed to move urgent autoparts from Istanbul, Turkey to Betim, Brazil in order to avoid a plant stoppage on the following week.

A Fly Easy entrega dois lotes de carga perigosa

Importante fabricante de pesticida precisou transferir 150 Toneladas de carga de seu armazém no estado do Rio de Janeiro para sua unidade de Atlanta nos Estados Unidos para efetuar uma venda de oportunidade no mercado Norte Americano.

Fly Easy charters for the World Cup Final

Fly Easy flew a group of 150 Argentinian fans for the epic World Cup final match between Argentina and Germany.

Fly Easy delivers in time for official opening

Fly Easy pulled out all the stops to deliver an urgent shipment of ethanol production equipment in time for a VIP opening ceremony.

Fly Easy transporta peça de 58 Toneladas para usina de etanol

A Fly Easy realizou uma operação especial e transportou uma grande peça de caldeira para uma usina de etanol entre Toronto, no Canadá, e o Aeroporto Internacional de Viracopos, em Campinas.

Empresa automotiva freta aeronave e leva funcionários para Bonito MS

A Fly Easy coordenou um fretamento para cliente da indústria automotiva, a empresa premiou 148 funcionários com uma viagem personalizada para Bonito MS.