15 de Dezembro de 2021
Fly Easy Charters AN124 to move a massive compressor urgently needed abord an FPSO
As a tried and tested Air Charter Company for the O&G clientele, Fly Easy once again has been called to move a massive compressor urgently needed to operate abord of a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) on behalf of an esteemed client in the O&G vertical based in Brazil.
The compressor and its equipment’s were loaded in Houston Intercontinental (IAH) last 08th of December and the chosen airport of destination was Cabo Frio International (CFB) due to its suitable facilities for the giant AN124 and due to the proximity to the FPSO where the equipment was needed. With use of 2 cranes of 100tons of lifting capacity at origin and destination and impeccable operation from the aircraft operator and Fly Easy´s supervision, the transport was again an absolute success.
André Rodrigues, Business Development Manager commented: “2021 was a tough year, a year of great concern to everyone yet regarding the pandemic but an excellent year of work and results to every one of us at Fly Easy and with this operation we are closing 2021 with “clef d´or” and ready to welcome 2022 with enthusiasm, great deal of energy and hope, ready to deliver more transport solutions to our valuable clients”.